Cushion Diamonds

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Cushion Diamonds are one of the original, classic diamonds for use in jewelry. Although it is widely regarded as the "vintage" is still widely used and is still produced in small quantities today. With a diamond, there are specific factors to consider problems and opportunities to be careful in a purchase order value and the best pillows diamonds are no different in this regard. In fact, the pillowSection is so different from most modern features that there are a whole series of things that you need to be aware of the research. Here are some basic things, to know you.

Cushion Diamonds - The Basics

Diamond Heart Promise Rings

The pillow is one of the oldest diamond still in use, such as first appearance of at least 300 years. Also known as the cushion cut, cut the pillow for his unique, semi-circular name.

Cushion diamonds initially popularas well as possible, leading to a circular section with the technology that was at the time of its creation. While a square or rectangular section were easy to break or otherwise damage the margins, rounded out the edges of the diamonds cushion makes it more durable and long-term investment better. Today most of the diamond shape or a square or slightly rectangular, with length / width ratio as a rule, in the range of 1.0 to 1.3.

Cushion diamonds -Benefits

Cushion diamonds continue to collectors because of its classic style and the distinguishing factor, "vintage", have appealed. However, not only of experts, have an interest in diamonds diamond cushion. Their unique beauty makes you look good as a large stone in almost any environment, it can contain.

The pillow also has a much larger facets, what you find on most other modern styles. This can be very attractivevisual effect, especially when the diamond these defects is a high level of quality, with little or no procedure.

Cushion diamonds - find the best value

Cushion diamonds often carry a premium price for something, partly because of their rarity, and also thanks to their special status of diamond cuts. That said, if you're interested in buying a cushion, there are some factors to consider to help you recognize a finalgood value.

Pillows, with their large faces not so good for brightness and fire, the modern round brilliant cut optimized. Because of this pillow with the relatively low ratings in the "cut" and "clarity" adjustment can be considerably boring in appearance. If you are looking for a diamond to the shock, will probably be cut on those with ratings of "very good" or higher quality and clarity of VS1-2 o.

shades of color should be in normal GIwhile the carat weight should be 1 or less. With current vintage diamond cushion, but the classification may be inconsistent with current standards, so that, if not recertified in the recent past, you may find that diamonds cushion that fall outside of these parameters seem to be very good.

Cushion Diamonds


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